International Cat Day
Did you know that today (8th August 2023) is International Cat Day?
At the Veterinary Pathology Group (VPG) we offer a number of tests that can help to diagnose a number of common feline diseases.
Below we have highlighted a small number of the tests that we provide.
- Total T4 Feline
- Free T4
- Total T4 Pre and Post
- EASILAB Feline Screen Plus T4
- Thyroid Monitoring*
- Old Cat Profile*
Kidney Disease:
- Feline Screen*
- Renal Profile
- EASILAB Urine Screen (and culture)
- Renal Monitoring
FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis):
- Feline Infectious Peritonitis Profile
- Feline Coronavirus (FIP) serology
FeLV (Feline Leukaemia Virus):
- FeLV Proviral DNA
- FeLV Antigen
- FelV Antibody
FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus):
- FIV Antibody
- FIV Proviral DNA
Intestinal Diseases:
- Feline Intestinal Profile*
- Lipase (DGGR)
- Feline Diarrhoea PCR
- Faecal Analysis
- Feline Seizure Profile*
- Extensive General Screen +/- Ethylene Glycol
* EASILAB versions of these tests are also available
For a full list of our tests or for more information on our services email us, please contact us by emailing [email protected] or by visiting our website.